FMUK naturally appeals to those who are passionate about film, and many of our members love to write about them. The following are movie review blogs run by some most excellent FMUKkers…
Movie Film Reviews by David does exactly what it says on the tin! Frequent reviews and retrospectives.
Though not technically a blog, nor a solo operation, Box Office BUZ features frequent reviews from resident film critic and wit extraordinaire EthanRunt.
He hasn’t made the step up to a dedicated blog, but TheyCallMeMrGlass‘s imdb profile is more than a worthy inclusion for his regular, detailed reviews…
Last and least here’s my own effort – I Hate Your Favourite Movie. Note that I don’t always hate your favourite movie apart from the times that I do.
But wait, there’s more! Order now and receive one extra review blog absolutely free! mrflunchy‘s London City Nights offers in depth takes on stage shows and concerts too…