Heat screenings - please read this before asking questions

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Heat screenings - please read this before asking questions

#1 Post by steve9872 » Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:33 pm

Over the years Heat magazine have promoted lots of screenings and they always have the rule that your ticket needs to be accompanied by the page from their magazine.

The logistical problems associated with this mean that very few, if any, cinemas actually ask you for this page. Even if they do and you don't have, the worst they have ever done is delay your entry in favour of those who do have the page. The last time that happened, there were so many people waiting, getting angrier, and so few with the page that they just let everyone in anyway.
Member number 13 of the 100 free films in 2019 club. o/
My more realistic target is 80 :tears:
20 seen so far, Páid for 0
Movie list 2019
29 seen 2018 :X
53 seen 2017 :nono:
61 seen 2016 :tears:
86 seen 2015 8-)
71 seen 2014 :tears:
90 seen 2013 8-)
77 seen 2012 8-)
69 seen 2011 8-)
60 seen 2010 8-)

Looking forward to in 2019: (Jan) Glass (Feb) (mar) Captain Marvel, (apr) Avengers: Endgame ,(May) (jun) Dark Phoenix, MIB: International (Jul) (aug) The new mutants, (sep) (oct) (nov) Kingsman 3 (dec)
