As you're probably well aware, we've recently upgraded the site. In fact, we've jumped up two major releases of the forum software, and this has allowed me to add some very nice extensions that should come in handy! So this is my attempt to summarise it all and let you know the cool things you can now do that you might otherwise miss.
The forum is now responsive
This means it will adapt to the device from which it is being viewed. Whereas before on mobile all the text and buttons on the forum appeared tiny and it was hard to use without constantly zooming in and out, it is very comfortable now on any device, any orientation.
The new notifications system
Reminiscent of facebook, it's a nice way to instantly draw your attention to not only new posts in subscribed topics, but also when you've been quoted or mentioned.
You can mention someone like you would on twitter or facebook. Just type in @ followed by their username. A box will appear with matching users as you start typing.
You can even receive notifications for posts separately from the ones you want to receive email alerts for. Simply bookmark a thread instead of subscribing:
Too many notifications? Click Notifications -> Settings, or find them in the UCP.
Image uploads
I love this one. In the Full Post Editor, tap this icon, select an image and it will automatically upload it to imgur and insert it into your post, bbcode and all. Whether you're on mobile or desktop. I'm using it right now!
Media embed
Right next to that icon is the media embed bbcode that allows you to make playable in your post media from a tonne of sources, including youtube. For example, when I paste in this bbc video link, select it and click the media embed button,
Code: Select all
It adapts to mobile screens as well. Lovely.
And further along is the new noref bbcode. Use it when you're posting a WeTicketIt link and it'll make it work without having to copy and paste in a new window. Like so:
Code: Select all
Pages are exactly the same as posts except they aren't threads, don't allow replies and don't display their author. They support bbcode, get a nice url, and are placed in the Quick Links drop-down under the forum logo. As an example, check out the Rules button up there, or this very important page:
If you have any ideas for something that could be cool/useful as a page, or want to make your own, let me know!
Auto drafts
When using the Full Post Editor, drafts of your post will be automatically saved at intervals, which you can load again later, in case you accidentally close your browser window. You can manually save drafts also.
You can now post emoji from your phone without causing the board to freak out! Yay!
Clever Quotes
Quotes now carry a link to the original post and its author, as well as the time and date at a glance. It's the little things...
Under the hood:
Privacy and Cookie Policy
We are now GDPR-compliant.
I've acquired the certificate to set the site to https rather than http, which makes us, and the information you enter, very secure.
PHP 7 support
The coding language behind the board now works twice as fast!
Coming soon:
Spoiler BBCode
To hide potential spoilers in film threads!
Desktop and mobile notifications?
Per this post, I'm considering b*ying an extension that would enable push notifications for desktop users and android mobiles. Please help me test it and let me know if it would or wouldn't be useful to you!